Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Extreme Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Extreme Risks - Essay Example Rees notes that some experiments, say launching of single nuclear weapon, are known to render threat to life on Earth. However, the magnitude of the impact of such experiments may not be amply intense to destroy the whole world. On the contrary, the author asserts that there are some physics experiments performed mainly for the purpose of pure scientific inquiry that could possibly pose global or even cosmic threat. For instance, device known as particle accelerators have been created to aid in the study of particle composition of the world. This machine is primarily utilized to investigate about most extreme energies and temperatures. Unbeknownst to many, such experiments that entail the smashing of atoms are said to possibly have disastrous effects on the universe. The author elaborates that this type of experiments may generate unprecedented concentration of energy which may lead to different catastrophic scenarios. This first scenario entails the formation of black hole that sucks in everything around it. However, Albert Einstein disputed this claim as the energy requirement for the formation of black hole is significantly greater than the amount of energy generated with the collision experiment. The second scenario involves the formation of strangelet, which is described as reassembled quarks. A strangelet is deemed harmless in itself but it said to possess the ability to convert anything it encounters into a new strange form of matter. With this, it could transform the entire planet into an inert hyperdense sphere. The third theory concerning vacuum is considered as the most disastrous. Some have speculated that the concentrated energy when particles crash together may set off a "phase transition" that would rip the fabric of space itself. Although experts have expressed that the likelihood of these scenarios occurring is minimal, Rees asserts that we cannot be completely sure of the outcome. This is because the probabilities assigned to these scenarios are deemed subjective due to the absence of comparison to a similar occurrence in the past. According to Rees, one way of checking whether an experiment is safe would be to examine if such has occurred naturally. For example, the negligible probabilities posited by experts may be acceptable in light of the fact that particles randomly crash into other atomic nuclei in space. This shows that space is not as "breakable" as envisaged by physicist. However, the mechanics change once the accelerators become more powerful, thus, no longer replicating what naturally occurs. The same concerns are encountered with the plans of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States and CERN Laboratory in Geneva to crash atoms more forcefully. Issues regarding safety is raised since no adequate reassurance is established considering that the conditions are different from what occurs naturally. Even if two notable theories were asserted in relation to the improbability of strangelet formation and characteristics, many experts still question the sufficiency of such claims. In view of the above, Rees opines that it is not reasonable to conduct an experiment if the downside may entail finality and completeness of extinction. As such, experiments with "doomsday downside" should not be permitted unless the general public is assured that the risk such undertaking may entail is within

Monday, October 28, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Moral Essay Example for Free

To Kill a Mockingbird Moral Essay The depth behind this novel is too see how Scout has progressed throughout the course of two years. Slowly but surely, she realizes the life lessons that have been waiting for her all along. She does this with the help of her family and her community. One man importantly sticks out the most, and his name is Arthur Radley, but Scout and the children like to call him Boo. Lee incorporated Mr. Radley to really show Scout the important lessons of life through the experiences and the encounters she faces with him, while also helping her grow into maturity. In the beginning, Atticus says â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view –until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.† (Lee 30). Boo Radley helps Scout realize the lesson her father is trying to teach her in a copious amount of ways. First off, the children believe that Boo Radley is the child-eating monster, when in reality he is not. He turns out to be quite the opposite to Scouts suprise. Boo does this by leaving the pennies and bubblegum in the hollow of the tree for Scout and Jem as a gift, yet not revealing that it was him. Also, when Scout, Jem, and Dill all try to peep into the Radley house, Jem gets his pants stuck on the fence and Boo sews them back up for him. Surprised, yet still weary of Boo, Scout still hasnt completely walked around in Boos skin for her to see what a good person he is yet. When Miss Maudies house catches on fire that cold night, Boo comes up behind Scout and puts a blanket on her. Scout in fear pays no attention to the blanket and runs away. Even though Scout doesnt recognize the kind acts that Boo is paying her, all these things help her realize the lessons of the novel at the end. If it werent for Boo and his encounters with Scout, she wouldnt understand the meaning of stepping into someone else shoes, and seeing things from their point of view. The second lesson that Boo helps teach Scout is the meaning of a mockingbird, and how a mockingbird can be the personality and heart of a person. Mockingbirds are the only birds that Jem and Scout arent allowed to shoot with the rifle by Atticuss words because it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Miss Maudie explains this later by saying Mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They dont eat up peoples gardens, dont nest in corncribs, they dont do but one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird. (Lee 10). This correlates to when Bob Ewell tries to murder Jem and Scout, until Boo saves them and winds up killing Mr. Ewell himself. Later, the Sheiff explains that he does not want to make Boo out to be a hero or publicize him, so they use a cover story instead. The Sheriff knew this would be a bad idea because he is such a recluse, and doesnt want him to have to justify himself to the public and face ridicule. Atticus explains this to Scout, and she says she understands because it would be like shooting a mockingbird. At this point the maturity is shown and she has just applied one of the lessons, thanks to Boo Radley. She realizes that Boo has never actually harmed someone (opposite to the rumors) and has done nothing but looked out for her. She now realizes that people can be mockingbirds too. At the very end of the novel, when Scout walks Boo home across the street, she is standing on his porch. She remembers what her father said about standing in someone elses shoes and she says Just standing on the Radley porch was enough. (Lee 31). From his perspective she can see the town and her house right across the street from it. She realizes how he protected them and watched out for them. If it wasnt for Boo, she wouldve never started looking through the grown-up perspective. The lessons that Atticus was trying to teach her wouldnt have been applied, and Scout wouldnt know how a person could symbolize a mockingbird. She says to Atticus he was real nice and Atticus replies Most people are, Scout, once you finally see them. (Lee 31). Works Cited Page: To Kill a Mockingbird. Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Essays. To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Literature Essays. N.p., 1999. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. To Kill a Mockingbird. Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hispanic Girls Growing up on the Border Essay -- Essays Papers

Hispanic Girls Growing up on the Border The Southwest United States is an area of great diversity. It is located on the border between the US and Mexico. In this region there are four main ethnicities represented: Hispanics, African Americans, Anglo Americans, and Native Americans. These groups interact daily working in the same offices and going to school together. Youth of each ethnicity face risks as they grow up. By focusing on the Hispanic adolescent girl the extent of the possible risks to one ethnicity can be explored. These risks will include motivation at school, the risk of dropping out of school, the at-risk classification, which includes gang involvement, and teen pregnancy. The results of studies focused on the risks to Hispanic girls will be compared to an interview with a Hispanic girl living in Tucson, Arizona and what she feels the actual risks are. Through the comparison a full view of the risks to adolescent Hispanic girls growing up in the border region will be seen. At-Risk girls is a term used over and over in order to describe girls that may be predisposed to problems such as dropping out of school or joining gangs. Girls classified as at risk share many of the same characteristics. Not having English as a native language is one of the risk factors attributed to the at risk girl classification. For first and, often, second generation Hispanics the language barrier is a problem leading to poor economic standing and poor education. In the border region this problem is evident in some schools since they may "consist primarily of Mexican American students, most of whom are considered at-risk based on language barriers, economic disadvantages, and poor family education"(Sonne... ...erimental Education 62.1 (1993): 60-71. Granleese, Jaqueline & Joseph, Stephen. "Self-Perception Profile of Adolescent Girls at a Single-Sex and Mixed Sex School." Journal of Genetic Psychology 154.4 (1993): 525-530. Jones, Randall M. & Lauver, Philip J. "Factors Associated With Perceived Career Options in American Indian, White, and Hispanic Rural High School Students." Journal of Counseling Psychology 38.2 (1991): 159-166. Menchaca, Velma D. "Achievement Motivation in Mexican-American Eighth Grade Students." Psychological Reports 72.3 (1993): 971-978. Osborne, Jason W. "Race and Academic Disidentification." Journal of Educational Psychology 89.4 (1997): 728-735. Sonnenblick, Melissa D. "The GALLS Club: Promoting Belonging Among At-Risk Adolescent Girls." The School Counselor 44 (1997): 243-245. Smith, Josie. Personal interview. 24 Mar. 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reaction to Raisin in the Sun/Dream Defered Essay

This poem resonated with me more so than any other so far. It starts out with a simple question about a dream that gets put off and the raisin is a metaphor for the dream or idea that is perished in the blazing sun. The writer uses such vocabulary to ignite all senses to describe the raisin as decaying, festering and stink like rotten meat. IT seems as so the dream is the source of pain for the writer and the ills that accompany the chasing of the dream are pain, anguish and torture. The use of the sun I found to be significant as the sun is the source of all life and covers the whole world and to the individual, the raisin, it causes an unbearable torment. The dream in this poem is not indicated but given the context of the writer I assumed it could be used to explain what we know to be the American Dream where a man can be happy and enjoy life in his own home away from persecution of society. I would compare that that the pain in this poem like the sores and heavy load are the day to day hardships he faces to achieve his dreams. The last line is significant as along with the other lines in the poem he poses questions but this last line is terminal. There are no more transformations the dream can do but to explode and be destroyed completely. This suggests either he gives up or the things that keep him from achieving his dreams causes him to break down and crack mentally perhaps. In â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† we see a typical African American Family with each member having their own dreams and ideas of what they want out of life. They each chase what they believe to be a â€Å"way out† for them and take steps to get there. What keeps this family from achieving them are hardships like lack of money, lack of support and resources that perhaps non-African Americans have. The play depicted the everyday life of African Americans in a way that all cultures can understand. The resemblance to actual people Hansberry invented a situation that was realistic and could be understood by anyone who has ever wanted a better situation in life. The comparison of the poem of Langston Hughes â€Å"Dream Deferred† makes the topic and characters even more realistic. It asks the question what would happen if someone worked all their lives for a dream and was unable to achieve it. And the play shows the audience the real life events of those thoughts and questions in the poem. A Raisin in the Sun is a complicated movie with many levels of social aspects entwined. The movie shows the oppression that was occurring to African Americans at the time especially in housing exploitation. . Walter is just angry at society and wants more of life and himself. Mama and Ruth are more concerned with just getting by and providing better opportunities for the next generation by buying a house and giving it to Travis. Willy Harris steals from his own to get ahead by stealing Walter’s money for the store. Beneatha most represents a feminist who fight the system by wanting to become a doctor and gain an education and fights society’s expectations of her as a black woman. Between the play, movie and poem the ideas expressed transcend too many people and can be considered timeless. As humans we all want better situations and gain a piece of the American Pie that we perceive others to have. We recognize when we are oppressed and persecuted against and which to elevate away from them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Language

Organizational Language A human language is a kind of code. It functions on the basis of words which is unique verbal symbols which correspond to all the objects or ideas which the speakers of that language need to communicate to one another. It also has rules, followed habitually by its speakers, for linking the words of the language together. Languages in the sense in which we understand them have developed as the common means of communication of large groups of people who habitually communicate with one another and communicate less often with outsiders.A language draws together the people who speak it, and excludes others. The rules for using a language are followed by all members of the linguistic community, for all wish to be understood. Those rules are typically paralleled by other rules or laws, conventions, customs which all also have to follow if they wish to be socially accepted in that particular social and political community. To be able to speak a language is a badge of membership of a community. It ensures acceptance by other members, provided the other rules of the group are also followed. Language networks minds together.The possession of a common spoken language and even more, the later possession of a common written language enables each member of a community to benefit from the communicated experience of others, so that the mental capacity of each separate individual becomes less important. It enables fellow-members of contemporaneous groups to share information and experience. Each people speaking a common language developed a collective memory, a common store of cultural experience on which all could draw. Language enabled a community to build up long-term traditions, beliefs and values which differentiated it from other communities.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think Perhaps you’ll identify with me when I say I can’t stand hearing anyone complain- except for myself. That said, even my tolerance for my own complaints has plummeted in the last few years. As soon as I start complaining in a conversation, I know I’ve made a big mistake. I leave the interaction feeling horrible, sure the person I was talking to will never want to talk to me again. Last week, while reading AJ Jacobs’ The Guinea Pig Diaries, I learned something new about the impact of my complaining or criticizing. I was shocked to discover a phenomenon that makes people really and truly think poorly of me when I speak poorly of others. You Are What You Speak It turns out that not only are complainers seen as negative, but that the characteristics they attribute to others are automatically attributed to them by their listener. So if I call someone racist, the person listening to me will unconsciously dub me a racist. If I call someone stupid or incompetent, I will be seen as stupid and incompetent. In contrast, if I talk about how nice, helpful, talented, and all-around awesome people are, listeners will associate all those positive characteristics with me. Since learning about this mind mechanism, I’ve become much more conscious of my speech. I now understand that by using negative language, I’m risking not only that people will have a generally negative feeling about me, but also that they will make specific negative judgments that I certainly don’t want attached to me. By using more positive words, I can consciously shape the way people think of me. I recently had a conversation with one of my executive clients, who had been given the runaround, then turned away by another resume writing company, because they don’t work with â€Å"Muslim terrorists.† I can assure you this man is one of the most generous and kind people you would ever want to meet. He did not have anything negative to say about that company, and he chose not to report them to the BBB or even tell LinkedIn to investigate their profiles. He figured he could stay positive, and let them dig their own graves. If they are putting out that negativity into the world, they themselves will be seen as negative. Positive Language in Your Job Search Also last week, I saw a resume that spoke of bringing together often â€Å"fractious† staff. The word â€Å"fractious† appeared twice in one resume! Guess what anyone reading that resume will think of the applicant? Yep†¦ that he himself is the fractious one. His final resume will not include that word if I have anything to say about it. Instead, he will say that he fostered teamwork in a diverse, multi-cultural environment. That sounds much better doesn’t it? While it’s important in many cases to provide a â€Å"before and after† picture to highlight your accomplishments, putting people down will never serve you. You can talk about bringing negative profits to positive ones, but don’t let the negative adjectives spill over onto people.  (Learn more about creating compelling accomplishment bullets with my DIY resume books. Sign up here to get a free excerpt!) In job interviews as well, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of staying positive. I still remember an interview I gave when I was a manager in a legal department. The interviewee had an impressive background, but in her interview, almost every word out of her mouth was about the negative aspects of her prior employment. Needless to say, she didn’t get hired. If she had been more positive, we would have considered her. In Business Insider’s 29 Words You Should Never Say in a Job Interview, here’s what author Jacquelyn Smith says about some clearly damaging words you must avoid: Terrible, horrible, awful, hate, etc. You shouldnt use negative language during your interview - especially when youre talking about your current or previous boss or employer. Even if the interviewer invites you to,  dont, Hoover says. Its not classy, and it  will make you sound bitter and petty. It also shows that you could bad-mouth any boss or company in the future - and it could even be a test to see if you will say anything disparaging. That’s great advice, and now I understand that if you use words like these, you will actually be perceived as terrible, horrible, awful, hating person. While Ms. Smith doesnt suggest positive words to emphasize, I would offer â€Å"exciting,† â€Å"growthful,† â€Å"positive,† â€Å"amazing,† â€Å"collaborative,† â€Å"talented,† â€Å"friendly,† â€Å"smart,† â€Å"brilliant,† â€Å"creative,† â€Å"innovative,† and other adjectives that paint others – and, by default, you – in a favorable light. The Challenge, If You Choose to Accept It Eliminating negative language is not as easy as it sounds. I caught myself today talking to a very helpful man at the airport about how unhelpful a customer service person had been because she gave me directions to the hotel shuttle that didn’t help. â€Å"Wow,† I thought, â€Å"I’m addicted to complaining!† There was clearly no useful purpose in sharing that information with him, and now he probably thinks I’m negative and unhelpful. I sure have a lot more work to do on this positivity project! I’m grateful to have people like my client and others who inspire me to live and work â€Å"above the line.† They keep me honest and, well, I think they’re fantastic and awesome! Are you ready to start being more aware of your language so you can be perceived in a positive light yourself, in life, in business, and in your job search? Please share your thoughts and stories below.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Golf Rules and Etiquette Essay Example

Golf Rules and Etiquette Essay Example Golf Rules and Etiquette Paper Golf Rules and Etiquette Paper Golf is a game of history, tradition and respect. Anyone who plays the game of golf will need to follow the rules and etiquette on the golf course. The popularity of golf has increased dramatically over the last several years. Golf was once known as a game for the wealthy, it is now readily available for everyone to enjoy. The new found availability has led to a decrease in the historical aspect of the game, primarily knowing the rules of the game, including golf etiquette. Statistics from the American Junior Golf Association show that 13.2 million people play golf each year in the United States alone. Participants play at more than 20,000 golf courses on land valued at more than 4.5 billion dollars (Dell, 2004). The boom of new golfers has led to a decline in the rules and etiquette of golf. Palmer (2002) states. Golf always has been, and hopefully will remain a gentlemans game (p. 4). Understanding the rules should be easy, there are only thirty-four rules in the game. This is less than almost every other sport, including baseball, basketball, football, soccer, rugby and cricket (Palmer, 2002). There are no restrictions to view or access the rulebook. Thousand of rounds are played everyday at both public and private courses, without the benefit of judges, officials, referees or umpires. Golfers are their own umpires, self-policing and regularly calling rule infractions on themselves. In one public incident on television, Ian Woosnam called a penalty on himself because he had 15 clubs in his bag (Palmer, 2002). Rule 4-4 allows a maximum of 14 clubs. Why did Ian Woosnams caddie tell his boss about the 15th club in the bag? Because it would never occur to him to do anything else. The integrity of the game is more important than any single tournament or any one player, and everyone that plays the game should do so under that same code of honor (Palmer, 2002). : I have over seven years experience working on golf courses. I have taken on many responsibilities from working inside the pro-shop, to the maintenance of the course itself. In my experience form working on golf courses, and playing golf, the average golfer does not believe they should be held to the same standards as professional golfers. The average golfer believes they are paying for a service, not competing to win a tournament. The price of a round of golf directly affects the adherence to the rules and etiquette of golf. The more expensive the round of golf is the greater the chance of stretching or breaking the rules and etiquette of golf. The popularity, appearance and difficulty of the course determine the cost. The more popular courses are typically more expensive because of the costs it takes to maintain. For example the cost of a lower end, used fairway mower can cost $7,500 (Used Turf Equipment, n.d.). The better the appearance of the course, the higher the cost is to maintain, this directly relates to the cost for the golfer. The daily rate at the Pebble Beach Golf Links in California is $395.00 per person for resort guests; add another $25.00 per person for non resort guests (Room and Golf Rates, n.d.). The average golfer, golfing at a high end golf course or local course, does not believe that breaking the rules and etiquette of golf affects the experience of golfing. The game of golf itself has a long standing tradition. The exact origin of golf is not known. According to Chapman (1997). We do know that by the middle of the 15th century the Scots were playing some sort of the game in Scotland. We also know that King James II of Scotland issued a decree in 1457 that Ye fut bawe and ye golf be utterly cryt done and not usyt, which Olive Geddens has translated as Football and golf be utterly condemned and stopped (p. 9). While this history dates back several centuries, golfers do not typically play the game in the interest of history, golfers play to have fun. It would be fair to state that every sport is played to have fun, not because of the history of the game. The rules and etiquette of golf is not an easy concept to understand. There are thirty-four rules with hundreds of variations for each rule, not all of which are written in black and white. The rules are even confusing to the professionals. Arnold Palmer (2002) wrote Ive played competitive golf for over half a century now..But even after all these years playing thousands of competitive rounds, I still run across new and fascinating nuances.every so often a situation comes along that leaves me thinking, Hmm, I wonder how that is handled under the rules. (p. 2). The participation of other recreational sports does not require an understanding of the rules. The average golfer does not believe they need to have a complete understanding of the rules and etiquette of golf. As stated earlier, the cost of a round of golf has increased. According to the National Golf Association, the price of a round of golf has increased by 5.3% nationwide from 2003. (Core Golfers, n.d.). With the increased price of golf everyone should have a basic understanding of the rules and etiquette, regardless of the price of the round. Several courses have created new local rules that do not allow beginning golfers. As a result several other courses have changed their marketing to welcome beginners, offering lower prices, and often clinics on how to play and understanding the rules and etiquette. Make no mistake; golf courses like any other business, are open to make money and profits. With 13.2 million people playing golf in the United States, it is each persons responsibility to understand the rules and etiquette of golf. All golfers pay the same price to play the game. No one individual has the right to affect other golfers, regardless of the price of the round. The tradition of golf does not mean that golfers should conduct in depth research and be able to pass a test or certification before playing a round. The tradition of golf means that all golfers should have at least a basic understanding of the rules and etiquette out of respect. Respecting the course and the other players is not an option, it is a necessity. Owen (1997) states Good golf entails some housekeeping, Try to leave the course better than you found it. (p. 172). Everyone can think of a time when someone elses disrespect infringed on his or her situation. For example, someone in a restaurant sitting at a table talking loudly on a cellular telephone, the person seems oblivious that their own actions are disruptive other people in the area. Now take that concept to the golf course. Realize that your actions can affect people in your group, as well as golfers nearby. Understanding the intricacies of the game can be confusing. One way to adapt to the understanding of the rules is to purchase a copy of the rule book. Read through the main rules and have at least a high level understanding of the thirty four rules. Its amazing how many arm chair athletes can make rulings when watching a sport on television. Anyone that is going to take the time to play a sport should at least have a basic understanding of the rules. If the purchase of a rule book is out of the question, log onto the USGA or PGA websites. The USGA site dedicates a portion to the rules and to simple etiquette. The amount of time it would take to review the information is minimal compared to the amount of time it takes to play a round of golf. Everyone that plays the game of golf needs to have at least a basic understanding of the rules and etiquette of golf. Golf is a game of history, tradition and respect. The rise and popularity of current PGA professionals does not mean the basic understanding of the rules and etiquette should go unpracticed. The amount of money that is spent to play at high end resorts or local courses does not give a golfer the right to infringe on the rights of others. A basic understanding of the rules and etiquette is not a difficult concept. The information is available on-line, at a local library and even at local golf courses. By taking the time to understand the rules and etiquette and it will make for a more enjoyable round for all golfers.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Receivers Important Role in Clear Communication

The Receiver's Important Role in Clear Communication In the communication process, the receiver is the listener, reader, or observer- that is, the  individual (or the group of individuals)  to whom a message is directed. The receiver is also called the audience  or decoder. The person who initiates a message in the communication process is called the sender. Put simply, an effective message is one thats received in the way that the sender intended. Problems can arise on both ends that prevent the intended message from getting through to the receiver. The Message and Potential Problems For example, Paige asks Bill a question verbally. The message travels through the air, the channel, to  Bills ears. He responds. Paige is the sender, the question is the message, and Bill is the receiver and gives Paige feedback by answering the question. Myriad areas and ways exist where problems could arise even in this short exchange. If Paige whispers, Bill might not hear it. Maybe he hears only a portion of it and responds to a question that wasnt actually asked, and so Paige is confused. Maybe theres background noise, or the question isnt clear. If Bill is distracted by something and not paying attention, he might miss some of the words and respond inappropriately- or he might miss the question entirely so that the exchange needs to begin again. If hes not looking at Paige when she asks the question, he would miss any body language that would provide subtext to the question. If Paige sends an email or text  message to Bill, problems might arise because Bill doesnt have Paiges body language or tone of voice to interpret, which could add  information to the message. Autocorrect might have inserted errors into the text, or a missing question mark might make a question seem like a statement. These are all hindrances to effective communication. The degree of effectiveness is determined by how much of the message is understood by the receiver. Decoding the Message In the book, Business Communication, authors Carol M. Lehman and Debbie D. DuFrene lay it out this way: The receivers task is to interpret the senders message, both verbal and nonverbal, with as little distortion as possible. The process of interpreting the message is known as decoding. Because words and nonverbal signals have different meanings to different people, countless problems can occur at this point in the communication process: The sender inadequately encodes the original message with words not present in the receivers vocabulary; ambiguous, nonspecific ideas; or nonverbal signals that distract the receiver or contradict the verbal message. The receiver is intimidated by the position or authority of the sender, resulting in a tension that prevents effective concentration on the message and failure to ask for needed clarification.The receiver prejudges the topic as too boring or difficult to understand and does not attempt to understand the message.The receiver is close-minded and unreceptive to new and different ideas. With the infinite number of breakdowns possible at each stage of the communication process, it is indeed a miracle that effective communication ever occurs. Even the environment or the receivers  emotional state can affect the decoding of the message, for example, distractions in the room, discomfort on the part of the receiver, or stress or anxiety that allow the receiver to insert subtext that the sender didnt intend. Knowledge of social or cultural contexts can hinder the receiver from picking up cues or responding appropriately as well. Relational contexts can color a message, too, as messages from close friends could be received differently than a message from a work supervisor. Importance of Feedback When its not clear to the sender that understanding has occurred on the part of the receiver, communication continues, for example, through follow-up questions from either party, further discussion, or the sender giving examples, rephrasing the information, or other means of clarification to get the sender and receiver on the same so-called wavelength. In a presentation, the sender might show charts or images to make a point more clear to the audience or reader. The more cues and channels that the receiver has and is open to receiving is often better; for example, it can be easy to misconstrue tone or subtext in an email or text message, while that same message would come through clearly if the receiver hears the persons voice or is speaking with them face to face.   In the book, Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Targeted Communication Programs, authors Gary W. Selnow and William D. Crano note that body language and tone arent just communication on the senders side: Feedback in the interpersonal setting provides a running account of a receivers reception of a message. Obvious cues such as direct questions show how well a receiver is processing the information. But subtle indicators also may provide information. For instance, a receivers yawn, silence when comments are expected, or expressions of boredom suggest that selective exposure gates may be in operation. A receiver also may have tone and subtext in the feedback given to the sender, such as responding with sarcasm or anger, which might be missed if the feedback is text-only  but likely would not be missed if the parties can either see or hear each other or both.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Suprime letting Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Suprime letting Literature review - Essay Example While there is no official credit profile that describes a sub prime borrower, it is generally accepted that people in the United States having a credit score below 620 points will fall into this category. In an attempt to tap this burgeoning market, lenders often speculate and take risks associated with lending to people with poor financial records. Sub prime offers an opportunity for borrowers with a less than ideal credit record to gain access to credit. It has been found that over the past six years, home ownership nationwide increased from 66 percent of the working population, to almost 70 percent. The pros and cons of sub prime markets will now be discussed in the literature review .The obvious advantage of Sub-Prime letting is of course the fact that people with poor credit history, low income and no assets are able to borrow money from many banks and lending company's .This is advantageous also as small or no deposit is accepted and this may prove attractive to many people wh o are not aware of the consequences of such borrowing or lending.However this market has its cons in the sense that it is unpredictable due to variable interest rate and the debtors may not be able to able to keep up with the payments thus causing credit victimization as the lenders may be able repossess the property/ business and are able to profit from re-sale through draconian lending contracts. Aims The main research question therefore is "To what extent has the sub- prime phenomenon of the US financial markets affected the UK economy" The reason for selecting this topic is the recent financial crisis in the US sub-prime markets which has caused a world wide concern as to its concerns for its e effects and fall-outs on the EU Bloc which includes the UK. The research will be undertaken through a variety of secondary and primary research methodologies to have a better understanding of the research question within the given time scale.Secondary Research Questions What is Sub-Prime letting What is the relationship between the UK and American Housing market What are the current conditions in the American Housing market with reference to Sub prime letting The aim is to identify the correlations between American Mortgage lenders and the UK lenders. Economic conditions, interest rates, inflations and other factors. With reference to economic conditions we may be able to identify as to why people are subjected to the sub prime market. What are the pros and cons of sub prime mortgage lending Research Strategy Research is a fact finding activity (Dominowski, 1980). The aim of primary research is to make known something previously unknown to human beings and to advance human knowledge by making it more certain or better fitting; the aim is discovery (Elias, 1986). Kerlinger (1970) uses more technical language to define it as the systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about presumed relations among natural phenomena. The research philosophy depends on the way we think about the development of knowledge and this thinking affects the way we do search (Saunders 2000). Whilst undertaking the research, a clear understanding of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Psychology - Exprerimental Psychology Essay

Social Psychology - Exprerimental Psychology - Essay Example Experimental psychology, Patrick McGhee has decribed as the most dominant form of psychology in north America and Europe. Whether or not this dominance is desirable, secure or important is another issue. In the perspective of experimental social psychology, the most scientifically efficient, intellectually rigorous method for understanding human social behaviour makes for the making of three assumptions viz: Experimental psychology can be viewed as the first of the three individual "visions" of social psychology. This "vision" when applied in to the understanding of Liv Ullman does not really explain anything about her success as a film star, but then goes to make us understand her person to the point of why she did what. When put under experimental psychology, the social psychology of Liv Ullman can be understood. The reasons for her being a committed UNICEF goodwill ambassador who has also travelled wide for the organisation can be explained. She is Norweigian, born in Tokyo and has a half Swedish daughter with Swedish Ingmar Bergman. Her vast travel experience may have contributed to her being multi-lingual which may have been useful to her in her many travels across the globe in furtherance of her humanitarian service as a UNICEF goodwill ambassasdor. The fact that she has continued in th... The fact that she has continued in the movie industry as a director (even after retiring as an actress) is a confirmation of the experimental psychology. She will definitely be more comfortable in the movie industry than any other industry. Her role in the movie Scenes from a Marriage, which turned her into a feminist and cultural icon in the 1970s and also placed her as one of the most respected actress of her time was directed by Ingmar Bergman. The position the film put her may have influenced her going into humanitarian service. Her cross-cultural background- born in Tokyo; raised in Norway; married and worked with a Swede, whom she has a child for; and now married to an American- have all contributed to explain her many travels on humanitarian purposes as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador. Looking at this first "vision" of social psychology, it can be said that in understanding Liv Ullman, it is useful. But there are questions that it does not exactly provide answers to. Like how she became so good an actress and so much critical acclaim that has not yet been seen since the 70s. Her sense of security, even when she is not with the ones she loves, or in strange land have not been explained using this "vision". The second "vision" is humanistic and experiential. What this seeks to do is to blend the study of personal and social life in the actualities of lived experience. It tries to look at the lived world and the behavoiur of an individual to the experiences of this world. This vision regards people's experience and the meanings they attach to their actions and that of others. It believes behaviour has to be interpreted to be made meaningful. Thus the behaviour which is objectively observable and analysable is

AMERICAN HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

AMERICAN HISTORY - Essay Example For them Africans and Indian tribes were of low grade as these people were darker in complexion. Indians were distinct in the way they lived, their cultural habits and customs. Indian was thought to be Barbarians by Europeans. Indians used to perform human sacrifice and hunt and lead a primitive life. For these reasoned, they were considered less human and many Europeans countries tried to invade them and destroy their empire. However, Indians were rich in terms of gold and silver acquisition and also had a classic architectural towns and cities. The Europeans also had an eye on their wealth which led to the invasion. The Europeans brought lot of diseases to Native America which has killed many of the native men. The greed for land and wealth has led to the encroachment of Europeans into the land of Native tribes. According to (Colonies, commerce and the Empire Ch- 3, pg 60) â€Å"For some Englishmen, colonization was one way to remove what they considered an extremely large and inc reasingly dangerous population†. Speaking on the basis of our value, the natives had every right to live freely as it was the land where there were born and raised. Everybody has the right to live on earth as all belong to this planet and no one is superior or inferior according to nature’s law. The depredation of Europeans on Native people was a cruel some act. They attacked the men and raped the women for no reason. The Native Americans had wealth which was plundered by the Europeans. This is against human rights and freedom of people to live. Morally it is wrong to attack people, kill them, torture or steal from them. So the acts done by Europeans were heinous. We can give our moral judgments of this shameful act as we are socially reacting creatures and has right to give our opinion. Every person has reasoning and ability to conduct normal livelihood. A person need to share and live and if one need assistance, one can ask or request from a person. But acquisition of land and wealth by force is condemnable act. On moral grounds, it is no way acceptable as we are all human beings and if the same situation doom upon us we may despise that situation. Native Americans have been living in American since time unknown. They have built their empire and were living peacefully in their territory which was disturbed by the Europeans. Morally, it is inhumane to steal their wealth and torture their women and children. Today our values have changed and if compared to the atrocities of Europeans on Native people then we would be ashamed of European civilization. The white men used to capture the native people and used their women physically and men were utilized as slaves. They were treated as animals and given less priorities. We have every right to judge the atrocities of Whites on moral grounds. Since so many centuries, it is obvious the human rights and freedom rules have changed. However, the basic humanity and ethical values has been same since many cen turies. People have the core values embedded in them which cannot be taken by any force. Based upon them there is a basic standard with which people are supposed to interact with each other. The colonization and invasion by the Europeans were resisted by the Native people on a large scale. According to ( Chapter 3,Colonies, Commerce and Empire, pg.62) â€Å"By 1616 colony’s population hovered at only 380, and a well –

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Report - Essay Example The objectives of this financial report comparison of the two companies are to enable us to find out the performance of each of the two companies in their markets of operations. This will be done through the comparison and interpretation of financial ratios, which will inform the decisions as to whether in the company an employee can be rewarded, decisions of borrowing or not as well as when the companies are due for expansion and so forth. This is all done through financial analysis, which is the selection, evaluation, and interpretation of Financial data along with other pertinent information to assist in investment and financial decision making.This analysis will involve the calculation, presentation, and interpretation of the financial ratios of both companies. The ratios to be considered will be grouped in terms of Liquidity Ratios, Profitability ratios, Activity Ratios, Financial Leverage ratios and Shareholders ratios. The liquidity ratios will provide information about the tw o companies to meet their short term and immediate obligations. On the other hand, profitability ratios provide the amount of income by each company of the sales they make. Activity ratios will show the stakeholders of the companies on the company’s ability to manage its assets efficiently hence its ability to operate into the future. There is also the Financial Leverage ratio, which provides information on the company’s degree of commitment to its fixed financial obligations and their ability to satisfy such obligations. Lastly, we will look at the shareholders ratios of the two companies, which are aimed at describing to the shareholders the company’s financial position in terms of the amounts per share of stock, held by the owners of the company (Kingfisher plc - Investors & Media - Results & presentations - Preliminary results for the year ended 28 January 2012. (2013, March 3).

Philosophy paper Essay 2- 1500 words - Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics -

Philosophy paper 2- 1500 words - Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics - Material Provided - Essay Example As a method of treatment, psychoanalysis seeks to cure neurotic disorders and as a collection of psychological information, it accumulates all information related to the investigation of the mental processes as well as the treatment for such mental processes if applicable. Freud did most of his works in the late 19th century in Vienna. One of Sigmund Freud’s prominent works is the structural conception of the psyche wherein he divided it into two structures: the conscious and subconscious. The structural conception of the psyche by Freud is significant because this formed the basis of psychoanalysis. Freud later on, expounded on this theory and developed it into the tripartite structural division of the psyche consisting of the following: the ego which is the eyes and window to the outside world and is conscious and pre-conscious; the id which represents the basic instincts of man, which is unconscious and contains the sexual and aggressive drives of a person, and; the supereg o, is the ‘conscience’ and also the organ of repression (Sherratt 2002 p 50). The basis of Freud’s findings, theories and analysis of mental processes which led to the advancement of psychoanalysis was his works on patients suffering from hysteria. The works of Freud on the human psyche can be classified into five: the psychosexual theory of human development; the division of the psyche into the conscious and unconscious; the categories of ego and id; the theory of human development, and; the notion that psyche is composed of the life instincts and death instincts. It is the second theory of Freud on psyche which is the structural division of psyche into the conscious and the unconscious which formed the fundamental principle of psychoanalysis (Sherratt 2002 pp 50-51). Freud based his structural division of the human psyche from his observations of his patients with hysteria. He detected that individuals had motives and thought processes that they

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Report - Essay Example The objectives of this financial report comparison of the two companies are to enable us to find out the performance of each of the two companies in their markets of operations. This will be done through the comparison and interpretation of financial ratios, which will inform the decisions as to whether in the company an employee can be rewarded, decisions of borrowing or not as well as when the companies are due for expansion and so forth. This is all done through financial analysis, which is the selection, evaluation, and interpretation of Financial data along with other pertinent information to assist in investment and financial decision making.This analysis will involve the calculation, presentation, and interpretation of the financial ratios of both companies. The ratios to be considered will be grouped in terms of Liquidity Ratios, Profitability ratios, Activity Ratios, Financial Leverage ratios and Shareholders ratios. The liquidity ratios will provide information about the tw o companies to meet their short term and immediate obligations. On the other hand, profitability ratios provide the amount of income by each company of the sales they make. Activity ratios will show the stakeholders of the companies on the company’s ability to manage its assets efficiently hence its ability to operate into the future. There is also the Financial Leverage ratio, which provides information on the company’s degree of commitment to its fixed financial obligations and their ability to satisfy such obligations. Lastly, we will look at the shareholders ratios of the two companies, which are aimed at describing to the shareholders the company’s financial position in terms of the amounts per share of stock, held by the owners of the company (Kingfisher plc - Investors & Media - Results & presentations - Preliminary results for the year ended 28 January 2012. (2013, March 3).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

IKEA's Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

IKEA's Strategy - Essay Example It is IKEA’s vision to give a as many individuals as possible a better life. The company wishes to achieve this via the business concept they have which offers furniture that has very low prices many can afford them. They go beyond just selling tables and chairs by offering a better living environment and comfortable home. IKEA is cognizant of the importance of home environment to many. It can easily affect their well-being. Thus, it is necessary that their homes are comfortable, attractive and practical without having to pay a fortune to gain it. At present, there are more than 260 IKEA branches in over 35 nations and territories around the world as of 2007. There are more than 400 million individuals visited the stores annually. The products are also now made available online or via catalogues. The company sold more than 17 billion Euros in 2006 alone. IKEA also makes sure that the company adopts responsible attitude towards social and environmental issues. Evidently, IKEA i s greatly successful it its business in Europe and the world over (IKEA Website). This paper will be focusing on IKEA and the strategies it implements that make it the success that it is now. This study will first present its value proposition. It will also explore IKEA’s entry into the foreign markets as well as the factors that surround such move. Then, the paper will be delving into the strategy that IKEA makes use of which is mainly responsible for the success it is enjoying at present. Then, a closer look into its HR and what strategy is implemented will be discussed. Finally, concluding remarks will be given based on the information gathered about IKEA as incorporated in this study. II. IKEA’s Value Proposition A number of companies have lined up their values inside and out and a brilliant example of such companies is IKEA. IKEA is the biggest and one of the most popular manufacturers of furniture worldwide. It has 179 outlets in operation in 23 countries and emp loys 84,000 workers. The value proposition of IKEA that attracts buyers—its capability of offering affordable, distinctively designed functional furniture—is communicated and executed consistently. To minimize the costs for manufacturing, buyers assemble the accessories and furniture themselves. They also usually collect these from the warehouse and take them home themselves. Delivering the items is a separate service that is promoted as being priced reasonably. This self-service environment assists IKEA in keeping the prices to a minimum, which is vital to the values of buyers. The value proposition is the service and/or product that creates utility that is offered to buyers by a company, according to Bovet and Martha (2000). Another definition is that it all the central aspects of the situation and the advantages sought by the customers in the purchase (Best, 1997). The value proposition refers to the bundle of value that delivered by a company to its customers (Shee hy, Bracey, & Frazier, 1996). It includes intangibles (e.g. brand equity, image), selection, service, and price; it is more than just the product itself. In other words, it is not what the buyer is buying, but what the buyer thinks he or she is buying. Both the offer to the organization and the duties and roles of stakeholders are identified by the value proposition (Webster, 1994). It becomes the selling proposition to

Monday, October 14, 2019

My Jewish Experience Essay Example for Free

My Jewish Experience Essay In a first glance, Hawaii seems to be a country that strictly holds its cultural values and identity with pride, leaving no room for foreign beliefs and practices to grow. However, my first impression has been proven wrong as for the first time, I set foot on the halls of Temple Emanu-el, a Jewish synagogue situated in 2550 Pali Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817. On a Friday evening, 28 November 2008, half an hour past seven, I was exposed to the practices and beliefs of Orthodox Judaism through Rabbi Peter B. Schaktman .. It was a moment of mixed emotions for me since I only knew Judaism through books, television, films, and internet, and that I thought I would have been overwhelmed by the spectacle of one of the world’s major religious systems However, I was initially surprised by the size of the synagogue as it was totally different from how I had imagined it to be; the place was relatively small, perhaps because Judaism is not Hawaii’s main religion, nevertheless, the size of the place was just different from what I always thought. Judging by the size of the place, I would say that 300~350 people could seat accommodated in the synagogue. The structure’s ceiling was high, and the interior designs made me recall the facades of the Roman Catholic Church. The synagogue also contains what the pastor called an Ark, the ark is a decorated cabinet wherein the Torah of the synagogue is housed And like other places of worship, I also noticed that Temple Emanu-el also has a pulpit in an elevated platform where the torah and other scriptures are read. Judaism is a religion that promotes Jewish identity and culture, I seemed to have noticed that there is not much art in the in the Ark of Temple Emanu-el. The most probable reason is that the Jewish consider that part of the synagogue as the holiest area. Apart from the decorative curtain that serves as the cover for the Ark, the only objects to be seen in the synagogue are object of religious significance such as the ark and a candle stand. The only non-religious object close enough to be considered art were a couple of flowers in vases positioned near the ark. During the worship service proper, the only clergy member present in the synagogue was Rabbi Schaktman. I have no idea as to why he was the only clergyman present during the time, but during the worship services, he was accompanied by a Cantorial Soloist named Ken Aronowitz who sang the songs and hymns. Although religious hymns and songs are not to be appreciated as an artistic effort, I can say that Mr. Aronowitz’s voice is captivating enlightening. While I was participating in the worship services, I have observed that the devotees have the book named Gates of Prayer. I realized that people from the sect consider the book as a guide to the service and to spiritual enlightenment. From my experience that night, it appears that in every service, the Rabbi discusses and interprets every chapter of the book with the devotees. Based on my observation, the book contains the words of God as well as the hymns of praise to God. Continuing further with the practices and rituals, I noticed that a particular differences between Judaism and Christianity, first is on the discussion of the contents of Gates of Prayer. During the service, Rabbi Schaktman read and discussed the distinction of Jews from non-Jews through analysis of the words non-Jews celebrate : Jews Observe. The Rabbi interpreted the exact contents of the book, however, he just used a language that everyone could simply understand. There are certain moments where the Rabbi told us a story based on his experiences and related the story with the topic discussed during that night. And the story the Rabbi used was an article from the newspaper Honolulu Advertiser which revolved around the celebration of thanksgiving. The Rabbi said something about Jewish attitude for Thanksgiving, and in doing so, he implied that as a Jew, celebrating Thanksgiving is violating the Law of Moses and that conforming to tradition not set by God and his prophets Christmas should be eliminated. Another distinction I have observed in the Jewish worship service was the hymn or the songs of praise. In practicing Christianity, I had to separately bring the bible and a book which contains more than 700 songs. In Temple Emanu-el, the words from God (which is taken from the scriptures) and songs were compiled in the Gates of Prayer, and most of the songs of praise appear to be sung in the Hebrew language. In addition, the songs of praise come in between the Rabbi’s preaching. After he finished a paragraph in the book, people sing. Although I couldn’t understand the language of the hymn, the songs definitely got through me in such a way that the tunes of the songs remain in my head. If I had recorder, I really wanted to record the songs but, our instructor advised that it is a rude gesture to bring a recording device and record activities of people we are not familiar with. Another fascinating ritual is the Jewish commemoration of the dead. The walls on both sides of the Temple Emanu-el lists names of more than 500 people on wood surrounding the synagogue and right beside the names were light bulbs with a few turned on.. At first I thought it was some sort of decorative art to make the temple attractive, but I asked to Rabbi after the service, and he said that the names with the light bulbs turned on were the dead people who worshipped in the temple and died during that week or that month. The Rabbi also said that it was the Temple’s way of cherishing the memory of their deceased brothers and sisters. Although the temple’s ritual of honoring the deceased was relatively new to me, it produced a deep impression on me. This is because I only knew of commemorating rituals in the traditions of Christianity. And I personally thought that the Christian practices of preserving the memory of the dead accorded with the other religious systems. Another ritual I saw during my visit at the Temple Emanu-el was the Jewish tradition on marriage. That night, an engaged couple came to the temple with their families, the Rabbi gave them blessing of Lynne Chun and Harvey Reackmil on the occasion of their upcoming marriage, and after the Rabbi granted the blessing, everyone started to say â€Å"mazltof! † I guess that it is their way of saying congratulations to the newly blessed couple. . After the speech of service, Rabbi Schaktman slowly came to our side and tried to make eye contact with each of us. I initially thought that I needed to pay for the collection just like in the Christian church that I used go to. But from the way he looked at us, I felt like he is trying to give us a chance to realize our sins for the past week and prompt us not to make the same mistakes again. Following the ending ceremony of the service, I came to a realization that the Jewish religion is not as promising as it claims itself to be. As far as I respect some of the Jewish beliefs, customs, traditions, and practices, I honestly find Judaism’s norms uncomfortable. One is that the doctrines are so individualistic and very prejudiced as the Rabbi discussed the evils of not being Jewish and how the Jewish way turns out as the right path in life. Also the Rabbi gave us an impression that I and the rest of the class who went there were not welcome in their temple or in their community. Maybe I was just being too sensitive in this matter, but when I tried to talk to the Rabbi, he did not pay any attention to what I was saying or to the questions I were asking. The experience was alienating, although the Rabbi constantly told us to comeback anytime, we felt it was just a gesture with no thought to it. As my disbelief and mistrust in God or any divine being, I find myself unmoved by the beliefs and practices of Judaism. Neither did its changed my skepticism of God As such, visiting the temple and participating in Jewish worship services did not affect my beliefs, ideas, and my own perception of the experience as well as the religion itself. However, it does not necessarily mean that I do not respect Judaism and all of its followers, as a matter of fact; despite the unwelcome treatment we received from the Rabbi, my utmost respect for Judaism and for its believers remain firm. Like other major religions in the world, my visit in Temple Emanu-el has proven that Judaism, as manifested by their doctrines and songs of praise, is a religion rich in tradition, culture, and ways to establish identity. But religion is not about continuation of tradition or establishment of identity, but it is more of professing and expressing personal beliefs regardless of what such beliefs hold.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Opto-Electronics for Communications: Spectrum Analysis

Opto-Electronics for Communications: Spectrum Analysis This experiment studies the wavelengths of the colours in the spectrum of a light source. I will measure the angle at which colour splits. I will carry out this experiment with three different light sources: Tungsten LED Laser Diode Light Source Spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum describes all the wavelengths. It ranges from the smallest waves possible, radio waves to the largest waves, Gamma radiation. All different size waveforms have different uses. Energy Frequency Wavelength Radiation type Typical use Lowest Lowest Longest Radio waves Television signals Microwaves Cooking, mobile phones Infrared Optical fibre communication Visible light Seeing Ultraviolet Detecting forged bank notes X-rays Medical images of bones Highest Highest Shortest Gamma radiation Killing cancer cells The only Electromagnetic waves we can see are Visible Light Waves. We see visible light waves as colours of the rainbow. Each different colour has its own wavelength different to the others. The longest wavelength is Red, with the shortest wavelength being Violet. The combination of all the light wave colours makes white light. Diffraction We can see each colour of the Visible light spectrum by shining a white light through a prism. By diffraction, the white light splits apart into different colours of visible light. Water vapour can carry out the same effect of diffraction, and the result is a rainbow. Gratings A diffraction grating is a slide with a number of parallel slits drawn on it. The slits are very small, usually 600 per 1mm. When a beam of light is directed at the grating, light will diffract of it and the light is dispersed in certain directions only. This is commonly used to separate colours of the incident light because the diffracted light has different angles according to: All equipment used for this experiment was taken from the PASCO Educational Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit Rotary Motion Sensor Aperture Bracket Light Source PASCO data acquisition software High Sensitivity Light Sensor Equipment Setup Set up the Spectrophotometer next to your chosen light source as shown in Figure 2. Mask the light source with Collimating Slits so it transmits a thin 0.5 to 1.0 cm beam. A hood should be used over the light source to remove any distortion in the experiment results. Align the light source. Turn on the light source and align the light beam by adjusting the Collimating Slits, Collimating Lens and Focusing Lens so a clear image of the central ray appear on the light sensor. Connect the Light Sensor and Rotary Motion Sensor to channels A and B of the PASCO computer interface. Software Setup Open the PASCO data acquisition software. Connect Digital channels 1 and 2 to the Rotary Motion Sensor. Connect Analog Channel A to the Light Sensor. Set up parameters for the Rotary Motion Sensor. A sample rate of 20 Hz with a high resolution of 1440 Divisions per Rotation. Use the PASCO softwares calculator function to calculate the Actual Angular Position based on the Angular Position measurement made by the Rotary Motion Sensor. The measured Angular Position should be divided by 2à Ã¢â€š ¬. Data Recording Setup In the PASCO data acquisition software, select the graph mode. Select the vertical axis as Light Intensity, and Horizontal axis as Actual Angular Position. Turn off the lights in the laboratory to ensure the results are as accurate as possible and no background light interferes. On the top of the light sensor select the appropriate gain setting. Different light sources will require different settings. Select Start Recording Data Turn the light sensor slowly in one complete circle. This will scan through the first order spectrum lines and data will be recorded in the PASCO data acquisition software. Select Stop Recording Data Data Analysis Setup The size of the wavelength can be calculated by analysing the results of the experiments and using the gratings equation. By using a visible light spectrum, we can determine what colour the light is from the size of the calculated waveform. Wavelength Measure the two peaks, R1and R2 Use the visible light wavelength spectrum below to find out what the wavelegth is Tungsten Light Source Dating back to the 1800s, Tungsten light sources are the oldest and most tested light source invented. They first became commercialised by Thomas Edison at the end of the century, leading on to the first light fittings, named after Edison himself. The Edison Screw or ES. A Tungsten filament is the key element to a Tungsten light source. Light is emitted from the filament when it is heated. The filament is heated by passing current through it. This is possible because of the high amount of current passing through such a small conductor. Inert gas such as Argon usually surrounds the conductor to ensure that it does not ignite. 95% of the energy from a Tungsten light source is wasted in the form of heat. Only 5% of the energy is actually used in the form of visible light. This makes it a very inefficient light source. Being a blackbody radiator, a Tungsten light source has a continuous spectrum of light. It generates a high amount of red light compared to natural day light, which gives it the yellow tint. Beyond the visible light spectrum a Tungsten light source even emits infrared wavelengths. This is a waste of energy as it cannot be seen by the human eye. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a Tungsten light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 100 because of the large spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak to peak wavelength: Infrared Waveform Trough to trough: Ultraviolet Waveform My experiment results show that the Tungsten light source is emitting wavelengths in the range of 317.88 to 895.14nm. The Tungsten light source is a warm white light as well as Infrared and Ultraviolet light. LED Light Source A LED or Light Emitting Diode is a semiconductor that gives out light when current is passed through it. It is a much more efficient method of emitting light compared to more conventional light sources such as Incandescent lights or Fluorescent lights because less heat is generated, resulting in less heat loss. As well as being more energy efficient compared to Incandescent light sources, LED light sources have a much longer operational time. At the end of an Incandescent lights life the filament will burn out, resulting in the bulb not emitting light. A LED light source after 50,000 hours of use will start to become dimmer and emit less light. The result of this is a light source that lasts a lot longer. The first commercial LED light sources developed were by Hewlett Packard in 1968 to replace indicator lamps. At this time, only LEDs emitting red light were available. Only later on in 1994 were LEDs that emitted blue light first demonstrated by Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, who went on to be awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery. With the invention of blue coloured LEDs, the invention of white LEDs became apparent. The white LED is a combination of LEDs that emit red, green and blue light. This then led to the LED light source revolution we currently live within. The working principle behind a LED is what is called a P-N Junction. A P-N junction will convert electric current into visible light. This is often called electroluminescence. Colour Wavelength (nm) Typical Material Used Infrared > 760 Gallium arsenide Red 610 to 760 Aluminium gallium arsenide Orange 590 to 610 Gallium arsenide phosphide Yellow 570 to 590 Gallium arsenide phosphide Green 500 to 570 Gallium phosphide Blue 450 to 500 Zinc selenide Violet 400 to 450 Indium gallium nitride Ultraviolet Indium gallium nitride White Broad Spectrum Cool white is a blue LED combined with a yellow phosphor. Warm white is a blue LED combined with a orange phosphor. Table 1: Wavelengths of each colour LED Above is a table outlining the individual wavelengths for each colour that is produced by Light Emitting Diodes. The most common type of LED light source shines line in a single direction. The result of this is a light bulb that only lights up a small area. To correct this problem for use as light sources to light up areas and not as indication lights, most LED light sources are coupled with reflective plates that distribute the light evenly around the room. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a LED light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 100 because of the large spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak 1 Peak to peak wavelength: Yellow Waveform Trough to trough: Green Waveform Peak 2 Peak to peak wavelength: Blue Waveform Trough to trough: Blue Waveform My experiment results show that the LED light source is emitting visible light in the ranges of 388 to 473nm and 514 to 583nm. The LED is emitting a combination of yellow and blue to create a cool white colour. White LED By combining yellow and blue waveforms, a cool white colour is formed. This is carried out by lining a blue LED with yellow phosphor. Both yellow and blue photons are emitted. This method of creating white light is much more effective than the more conventional LED RGB method of combining red, green and blue waveforms. This effect was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the early 1700s when he was performing colour matching experiments. The colour temperature of the white LED light source is controlled by the thickness of the yellow phosphor that is coated onto the blue LED. Over time, the yellow phosphor will degrade and so the colour characteristics of the LED light source will change. Operating at high temperatures can accelerate this. Laser Light Source Laser is an acronym of Light amplification by simulated emission of radiation. A laser light source emits light when electrons in the atoms of gases become excited by absorbing energy from electrical current. Electrons travel from the lower energy point to the higher energy point around the atoms nucleus. When they travel back from the higher point to their resting state the electrons emit visible light. The wavelength of the photons emitted are constant and coherent, unlike ordinary visible light from other light sources. This means that only one wavelength of light is emitted from a laser light source, resulting in only one specific colour. Also because of this, the light is not diffused like a conventional light source. The light emitted is a very tight beam. The result of this is a beam of light that can travel much further than other light sources. By harvesting the narrow powerful light, laser light sources have various applications such as: Entertainment Laser light shows are created by bouncing different lasers into each other to create special effects Computing Lasers can be used as a form of communication due to the high speed of light. The most common application is fibre optics. Production Due to the high amount of energy concentrated in a laser light source, they can be used in production to cut a range of materials. Optical Fibre Communications Information in the form of coded light of infrared signals are carry across Optical Fibres. The information carried across Optical Fibres can be much more than an ordinary copper data cable of the same diameter. An optical fibre is a very thin shard of glass. Next to no light is absorbed by the glass. Light is carried from one end to the other by total internal reflection (TIR), even when the fibre is bent. The signals in optical fibres do not weaken as much over long distances as the signals in ordinary cables. The laser diode that is used for optical fibre communications is typically either 850nm, 1300nm or 1550nm. This means that the waveform used is in the infrared field of the electromagnetic spectrum. We use infrared because the attenuation if the fibre is less at infrared wavelengths. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a LED light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 10 because of the small spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak to peak wavelength: Red Waveform Trough to trough: Red Waveform My experiment results show that the laser light source is emitting visible light in the range of 624 to 690nm. The laser is emitting a red light. The overall results of the spectrum experiment look unique to each other. All three light sources have different spectra to each other. The Tungsten light source has a wide range across the spectrum covering all the visible colours, as well as ultraviolet light to infrared. The LED light source has a much smaller range across the spectrum compared to the Tungsten light source by only emitting waveforms that combine colours to create a cool white effect. The Laser light source had the smallest range on the visible light spectrum, only covering the colour red. This light source is much more concentrated on one area of the spectrum compared to the other light sources. From the results, I can see why each type of light source is used for its applications. Tungsten light sources cover all colours within the visible light spectrum, and so they are good for illuminating objects, in the form of a light bulb. LED light sources only cover specific colours within the visible light spectrum, and so they are good for indication lamps and signals. Laser light sources only cover one area of the light spectrum and therefor used for communications. Laser diode light sources are the key piece of equipment for optical communications because of the small wavelength that they emit. This small wavelength can be interpreted as data signals and used as optical communications. The overall results of this experiment where great. The result were exactly how I predicted them to be. If I could change anything about the experiment, it would be the Tungsten light source. I would use a larger light source as the Tungsten light source used was not very effective during the experiment. Dr Yongkang Gong University of South Wales Lecturer For teaching me about light waves Christopher Edwards Alex Houston Daniel Price University of South Wales Students For taking part in this series of experiments. BBC. (n.d.). Introduction to light waves. Retrieved from BBC Bite Size. Lighting Research Centre. (n.d.). How is white light made with LEDs? Retrieved from NASA. (n.d.). What Wavelength Goes With a Color? Retrieved from PASCO. (n.d.). Educational Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit and System. Photon Start. (n.d.). How LEDs Produce White Light. Retrieved from Physics Education. (n.d.). What is electromagnetic radiation? Retrieved from Physics Forums. (n.d.). LED light diffraction . Retrieved from Science World. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wolfram: Snells Law Explained. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hyper Physics: The Law of Refraction. (n.d.). Retrieved from Math Fundimentals: TIR. (n.d.). Retrieved from Physics Class Room: X-Rite. (n.d.). What is a spectrophotometer? Retrieved from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Romeo And Juliet: Overview :: essays research papers

Romeo and Juliet: Overview "From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life." Romeo and Juliet's death was a result of many misfortunes, but they were mostly victims of the society in which they live, malignant fate, and there own passions. Romeo and Juliet are members of two families that are each others two biggest enemies, there both rich families and with that comes expectations that you are expected to live up to. If something was done incorrectly or a wrongful action was taken, the consequences for that action might be different from a person who was not as rich, because people look up to the Capulet's and the Montague's and will more likely follow them, and want to be like them more then a poorer person. Therefore Romeo and Juliet are influenced by this and marriage with a member of the enemy could result in being looked down upon in your family, cause even more anarchy between the two families or possibly banishment from your house. They are victims of this because if their families did know of this marriage, they would have had no reason to cover up or hide anything, and there would have possibly been peace between the two families. Evil fate played a major role in the lives of Romeo and Juliet because of all the things that could have happened differently, the events that transpired just didn't flow in their direction. A few of the malignant fate situations were the servant asking Romeo to read the invitation list and inviting them to the party where the star-crossed lovers meet and fall in love, they are discovered by Tybalt and he is furious, he consults Lord Capulet, but he says let them stay. Later, Tybalt decides to take matters into his own hands and picks a fight with Romeo, but Romeo backs down and Mercutio steps up to fight Tybalt. They fight and Tybalt kills Mercutio, this results in Romeo losing his temper. Avenging Mercutio, Romeo slays Tybalt and is banished from Verona, he hides in Mantua and receives word that Juliet is dead. In turn another act of fate transpires, where Friar John cannot deliver the letter from Friar Lawrence to Romeo which says that Juliet is not really dead. So Romeo thinks Juliet is really dead and returns to Verona to kill himself. He succeeds and Juliet wakes up and finds her lover dead beside her and she kills herself as well. So fate plays a major role in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Benefits of a Yoga Practice

History of Yoga The exact history and origins of yoga is uncertain; however, there are pieces that have been connected and allow some conclusions. Stone carvings depicting figures in Yoga positions have been found in archeological sites in the Indus Valley dating back 5,000 years or more. In ancient times, the desire for greater personal freedom, health and long life, and heightened self-understanding gave birth to this system of physical and mental exercise which has since spread throughout the world. The word Yoga means â€Å"to join or yoke together,† and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience.One of the earliest texts about Yoga was compiled by a scholar named Patanjali, who talked about the most common Yoga theories and practices of his time in a book called Yoga Sutras as early and the 1st and 2nd century B. C. or as late as the 5th century A. D. The system that he wrote is known as â€Å"Ashtanga Yoga† or the eight limbs of Yoga, gene rally known as Classical Yoga today. The eight steps include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyhara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi. Yoga arrived to the United States somewhere around the late 1800s, but hadn’t become commonly known until the 1960s.It is well known that the techniques of Yoga can contribute to general health and well-being. Many physicians recommend Yoga to patients who suffer from heart disease, back pains, depression, arthritis, insomnia, asthma, and other chronic conditions. Philosophical Roots and Principles The philosophy of yoga has been passed on from teacher to student for many generations over the last 5,000 years. There is no true definition on what yoga really is. Some may say it is only a way to relax, others say it is a form of excersice, and others say it is a way of life.In essence, yoga practice aims to align the body with the mind through fluid movement and controlled breathing. At the base of the yoga practice, there are five basic principl es: exercise, breathing, relaxation, diet, and meditation. Exercise: This principle revolves around the idea that our physical body is meant to move and exercise. One’s spiritual health begins with physical health. Yoga benefits every part of your body – joints, muscles, blood circulation, digestion, etc. Practicing Yoga makes your body relaxed, gives you more strength and energy, and rejuvenates the various systems of the body.Breathing: Yoga’s lifestyle is centered around breathing. Yoga emphasizes attention to breath, and taking long, deep inhalations, making use of all the parts of your Lungs to increase your oxygen intake. Proper Breathing should be deep, slow and rhythmical. This increases lung capacity and oxygen flow throughout the body, which clears and cleanses the mind. Relaxation: One achieves inner peace through proper relaxation. Relaxation begins in the physical body, losing all tension within the muscles. This then extends to the mind, and positi vely affects one’s actions throughout the day.Diet: A proper diet should accompany a yoga practice to maintain a healthy physical body. Improper diet results to mental inefficiency and blocks spiritual awareness. A proper diet should nourish both mind and body. It should consist of eating only natural foods, and only when one is hungry. Meditation: The most important aspect of yoga is positive thinking and meditation. Everything in the physical body is controlled through the mind. Meditation allows ones self to control the mind to channel positive thinking and spiritual health. This allowing a more relaxing Yoga practice, which leads to a calm and positive day,Why is nutrition important in yoga? The basic principle of nutrition in yoga is to eat small quantities of high quality foods without producing toxins. It is easy to result to heavily processed, nutrition poor, calorie dense foods within a normal life that’s full of stress. Eating unhealthy puts you at more risks of diseases, while a well-nourished body makes it easier to cope better, while also reducing your possibility of disease and reducing your stress levels. The body requires food to supply energy to function normally. It also needs it to repair tissue and organs. The perfect balance in diet is different for ach person. To find balance, it is important to know one’s own individual needs, the best preparation methods, the properties of foods, and to choose a broad range of high quality foods. When a good attitude and ample exercise are combined, one finds no limit to total health of the mind, body, and spirit. Five Yoga Poses Downward facing dog: Come to your hands and knees with the wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips. Curl the toes under and push back raising the hips and straightening the legs. Spread the fingers and ground down from the forearms into the fingertips.Outwardly rotate the upper arms broadening the collarbones. Let the head hang, mo ve the shoulder blades away from the ears towards the hips. Engage the quadriceps strongly to take the weight off the arms, making this a resting pose. Rotate the thighs inward, keep the tail high and sink your heels towards the floor. Dragonfly Pose: Begin standing in mountain pose. Shift your weight into your right leg and bring the left ankle to cross your right thigh just above the knee. Your shin will be parallel to the floor. This is same position from which you enter flying crow.Come into a forward bend, bringing the palms of the hands to the floor. Bend the right leg (the standing leg) and twist your torso to the right, walking your hands over until your palms come in front of the right foot. This is a similar arm position to side crow. Bend your elbows down to chaturanga position and bring the sole of your left foot onto the shelf created by your left upper arm. Try to get the foot as high up your arm as possible. Bring the right thigh to rest on the left upper arm as well. Tip forward, bringing your weight into your arms as the right leg straightens out to the side and right foot leaves the floor.To come out, bend the right knee and bring the right foot back to the floor. Half Moon Pose – Ardha Chandrasana: From Trikonasana, soften the right knee and bring the left hand to your hip. Bring the right hand to the floor about a foot in front of the right foot with the fingertips on the floor. Begin to straighten the right leg while simultaneously raising the left leg. Open the hips, stacking the left hip on top of the right hip. Bring the left leg straight and parallel to the floor, flexing the left foot with the toes facing forward.When you feel balanced on the right leg, reach the left arm up toward the ceiling, opening the chest and making a straight line with the right and left arms. Finally, bring the gaze up toward the left fingertips. Child's Pose – Balasana: From Downward Facing Dog, drop the knees to the floor. Spread the knees as wide as the mat, keeping the big toes touching. Bring the belly to rest between the thighs and the forehead to the floor. There are two possible arm variations: Either stretch the arms in front of you with the palms toward the floor or bring the arms back alongside the thighs with the palms facing upwards.Do whichever feel more comfortable to you. Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Come to lie on the back. Bend the knees, bringing the soles of the feet parallel on the mat close to the buttocks. Lift the hips up towards the ceiling. Interlace the fingers behind your back and straighten the arms, pressing them down into the mat. Roll one shoulder under and then the other. Lift the hips higher. Draw the chest toward the chin, but do not move the chin toward the chest. Make sure the feet stay parallel. Release the hands and bring the upper, middle, and then lower back down. Rest, allowing the knees to knock together.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Money and Happiness, It Never Works Together Essay

Often times if you inherit a large amount of money your life can change forever much like in a lottery, however if you are not careful you may just be the opposite of happy. However, businessmen who earn their money are proud of it, just ask lottery winners who have had their lives altered because of that. Well, in Goodbye, Columbus the Patimkin family act a lot like lottery winners, Mr. Patimkin a wealthy businessman has a spoiled family who in actually doesn’t seems happy with their wealth. As more and more problems started to arise with money, things started to unravel with the family. In Goodbye Columbus, Phillip Roth shows that Brenda and her mother’s tensions over money, Brenda’s lifestyle decisions about money (including the nose job), and the obvious generation gap shows that financial success does not always lead to happiness. Brenda and her mother have issues about money, and Brenda’s apparent laziness over having maids leads her to believe she can do whatever she wants. They fight over Brenda’s view on her not appreciating the value of money, since her mother tells her â€Å"You ought to earn some money and buy your own clothes†, but Brenda always thinks she doesn’t have to earn her money and â€Å"daddy† should buy her clothes and nose jobs for her. Not only that, they fight about work ethic because Brenda thinks the maid should do everything and her mother think she is lazy for it was said by Brenda’s mother â€Å"You ought to learn what a day’s work means.† (64). Brenda however doesn’t think that way, in fact she think she thinks she’s â€Å"†¦not a slave†¦I’m a daughter† which gives readers the impression that she is a brat, and that she does not appreciate the value of hard work or money. Brenda’s mother also believes Brenda is lazy, and Brenda thinks the maids can do all the dishes and housework: â€Å"When’s the last time you washed the dishes†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Jesus Christ!’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Carlotta washes the dishes!† this shows Brenda has a mindset that because she is rich she doesn’t have to do anything. Therefore, Brenda and her mother’s constant fighting show that they have plenty of tension between them to prove that money never has led to personal happiness. While Brenda and her mother have personal issues that lead to money not giving them happiness, Brenda’s personal decisions & her lifestyle have dictated her way on not being happy with money. Brenda always has a mindset that her maids Carlotta and Jenny do everything when in reality, she is the one that needs to be doing work, as this was stated during her fight with her mother: â€Å"My god, mother you’d think we didn’t have Carlota and Jenny† (64). She because of her monetary status (being wealthy) she assumes that she doesn’t have any chores to do, however her mother thinks Brenda should help more around the house (and in a way calls her spoiled): â€Å"When is the last time you lifted a finger to help around here?†, therefore in a way their social and economic status had led to money being a problem because of their fighting. Brenda’s lifestyle choices also dictate why money doesn’t always bring happiness, for example Brenda wanted a nose job to smooth out the bumps in it, but in reality she wanted to look prettier: â€Å"I’m pretty. Now I’m prettier.† If someone wanted to look prettier, they could have spent less money on her, but instead Brenda spent a thousand dollars on the nose job just to be prettier. The generation gap between the Patimkin parent’s and children could also explain why money doesn’t always lead to happiness. Mr. Patimkin explains that he wasn’t as wealthy as his was now, instead he â€Å"†¦had (to buy) forks and knives for the five and ten.†(95) Which means he bought his things from nickel and dime â€Å"discount† stores (like the Dollar Store) when he was a kid. However he then goes on to say that his kids â€Å"†¦need gold to eat off of†(95) which implies that they are spoiled, however he isn’t angry at his kids instead he is happy he can pass on his current wealth to them â€Å"but here was no anger far from it. However, his kids (the next generation) are exactly the opposite, instead of buying thinks from discount stores and working hard they are getting nose jobs, relying on their maids, and going to country clubs which are all things upper class people do. There defiantly is a generation gap between the working class Mr. and Mrs. Patimkin, and the spoiled Brenda, Ron, and even Julie Patimkin. The Patimkins are not a dysfunctional family by any means, in fact they are a loving family by many aspects, they respect each other, and in the end it is money that implodes the family. It is unknown if the family’s generation gap is filled, but judging by the attitude of the children it seems that they may never be happy in their spirits. And while it seems that money is keeping them happy on the surface, maybe it is money that is driving them apart. Just ask anyone that ever won the lottery and you will know that their lives have change drastically, much like the Patimkins live have changed once they realized that.

Free software Essay

The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this You are free to (1)study it, (2)redistribute it, and (3) modify it. 2. Why is Linux popular? Why is it popular in academia? Bell Labs offered it to educational institutions at nominal cost. The schools, in turn, used it in their computer science programs, ensuring that computer science students became familiar with it. Because UNIX was such an advanced development system, the students became acclimated to a sophisticated programming environment. As these students graduated and went into industry, they expected to work in a similarly advanced environment. As more of them worked their way up the ladder in the commercial world, the UNIX operating system found its way into industry The source code for the operating system is readily available so that students can understand more easily how GNU/Linux works and can modify the code further to understand its operation and change the way it works. 3. What are multiuser systems? Why are they successful? Sharing the computer’s power among many users and giving them the ability to share data and programs are central features of the system. a multiuser operating system allows many people to use all of the system resources almost simultaneously The use of costly resources can be maximized and the cost per user can be minimized—the primary objectives of a multiuser operating system. 4. What is the Free Software Foundation/GNU? What is Linux? Which parts of the Linux operating system did each provide? Who else has helped build and refine this operating system? The Free Software Foundation (www. fsf. org) is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Project. GNU developed many of the tools, including the C compiler, that are part of the GNU/Linux Operating System Linux is the name of an operating system kernel developed by Linus Torvalds and expanded and improved by thousands of people on the Internet. Torvalds’s kernel and GNU’s tools work together as the GNU/Linux Operating System 5. In which language is Linux written? What does the language have to do with the success of Linux? 95% is written in C. Because Linux is portable, it can be adapted (ported) to different machines and can meet special requirements. For example, Linux is used in embedded computers, such as the ones found in cellphones, PDAs, and the cable boxes on top of many 10 Chapter 1 Welcome to Linux and Mac OS X TVs. The file structure takes full advantage of large, fast hard disks. Equally important, Linux was originally designed as a multiuser operating system—it was not modified to serve several users as an afterthought. Sharing the computer’s power among many users and giving them the ability to share data and programs are central features of the system 6. What is a utility program? otften reffered to as â€Å"commands† These utilities perform functions that are universally required by users. The sort utility, for example, puts lists (or groups of lists) in alphabetical or numerical order and can be used to sort lists by part number, last name, city, ZIP code, telephone number, age, size, cost, and so forth. A utility (program), sometimes referred to as a command, is a program that performs a task that is frequently related to the operating system. A utility is simpler than an application program although there is no clear line separating the two 7. What is a shell? How does it work with the kernel? With the user? In a textual environment, the shell—the command interpreter—acts as an interface between you and the operating system. its the link between user and kernal to tell it what to do. or view what the kernal is doing. its the command line interface that accepts input from the user. 8. How can you use utility programs and a shell to create your own applications? Write a shell script, also called a shell program, or a batch file under DOS. A shell script is one or more command lines contained in a file. Make the file executable and give the name of the file as a command: The shell executes the commands in the file, as though you had typed each command individually 9. Why is the Linux filesystem referred to as hierarchical? The Linux filesystem provides a structure whereby files are arranged under directories, which are like folders or boxes. Each directory has a name and can hold other files and directories. Directories, in turn, are arranged under other directories, and so forth, in a treelike organization. This structure helps users keep track of large numbers of files by grouping related files in directories. Each user has one primary directory and as many subdirectories as required 10. What is the difference between a multiprocessor and a multiprocessing system? multi processor is a computer that has more than one processor (processing units) and multiprocessing system is the fact that it can process multiple tasks at the same time Multiprocessing is the use of more than one CPU in a computer system 11. Give an example of when you would want to use a multiprocessing system. Multiprocessing is the use of more than one CPU in a computer system so when you have more than one CPU you can take advantage of it. Multiprocessing sometimes refers to the execution of multiple concurrent software processes in a system as opposed to a single process at any one instant 12. Approximately how many people wrote Linux? Why is this project unique? The Linux kernel was developed by Finnish undergraduate student Linus Torvalds The Linux operating system, which was developed through the cooperation of many, many people around the world, is a product of the Internet and is a free 13. What are the key terms of the GNU General Public License? The GPL says you have the right to copy, modify, and redistribute the code covered by the agreement When you redistribute the code, however, you must also distribute the same license with the code, thereby making the code and the license inseparable.